[HECK] Hypo-Exist Crisis Klan

Created: 01.06.2017
Commander: Matte079
Not registered on site

Hypothetical Existential Crisis Clan

Hy and welcome to HECK, where all the rerolls of AFK and IRMA come to die. This is a closed clan, so please don't apply unless you are an existing member of one of the above clans AND you are a reroll. Exceptions will only be made for other Synergy clans. To be honest we are a pretty inactive bunch anyway so your app will probably be ignored forever. Bai
Average damage


Average winrate


16 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
Matte079 Commander 2360 days 878 75
2Robster5_ Executive Officer 2840 days 433 64
lehanovic Executive Officer 2840 days 1313 65
Audeluxe Executive Officer 2840 days 912 66
ruudbwoy Executive Officer 2841 day 769 62
xFluffyKong_SniperElite Executive Officer 2841 day 1074 67
merpug Executive Officer 2840 days 345 70
Dassem_Double_ Executive Officer 2841 day 773 62
gr3mlin Executive Officer 2840 days 1323 68
Postivevibes Executive Officer 2840 days 680 68
Carcharadon808 Executive Officer 2840 days 536 53
bobstrikesagain12 Private 2691 day 404 53
raclz Private 2684 days 541 68
58Bernard Private 2764 days 433 54
vieze_freddie Private 2793 days 427 56
Kagemusha_2016 Private 2787 days 602 58
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 15711 11424906
Matte079 376 124624
2Robster5_ 76 18174
lehanovic 2539 2748021
Audeluxe 970 691218
ruudbwoy 524 362304
xFluffyKong_SniperElite 1577 1090117
merpug 73 18619
Dassem_Double_ 353 265245
gr3mlin 2652 2585817
Postivevibes 1084 479339
Carcharadon808 13 9113
bobstrikesagain12 580 356797
raclz 53 21658
58Bernard 1879 868835
vieze_freddie 361 179571
Kagemusha_2016 2601 1605454
Total 15711 11424906